Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Youth, Magnetic Youth!

Youth, charismatic youth!
The kings and queens
Of the 21st century
The future belongs to you!

Youth, vibrant youth!
Realise your dreams
By making it your lofty mission
Steadfastly traverse
The perilous road of quagmire
With compassion and tranquility

Youth, resilient youth!
Armour your quiver
With the arrows of
Humility, courage, compassion and wisdom
And make the world your cherished kingdom

Youth, buoyant youth!
Don’t get swayed by superficial
Status of fame and wealth
Forge your character
To take purposeful and meaningful strides
To make the world a better place

Youth exuberant youth!
Take wings towards the
Boundless skies of your mission
With the passion to learn
Educate yourselves to
Polish your wisdom
And contribute in building
A sturdy and harmonious society

Youth jaunty youth!
Let your knowledge and wisdom
Radiate the lights of gratitude and appreciation
Towards mankind
Holding the dignity of life sovereign!

Youth hopeful youth!
Bloom with unsurpassed purity and beauty
Valiantly march forward towards victory
And stun the world
With your scintillating personality!

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