Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Propitious Rice

Oh! Food of the Gods
You are an oblation
To humanity
For you satiate
Both the living and dead

Your immeasurable capacity
To produce thousands of grains
From a single grain
Elucidates the depth of your compassion
Which is deeper than the ocean
And firmer than the earth

Oh! Munificent rice
You reign supreme at all times
For your presence is conspicuous
At majestic and murky occasions
This propitious attribute
Makes you the ruler
Of the heaven and earth!

A New Dawn

It’s a new dawn
A new beginning
Let the past not haunt you
Let the present not defeat you
Let the future not puzzle you

March ahead brimming
With joy and self belief
Wielding your swords
With courageous hope
To rip apart the challenges
Of this new day

Renew your determination
On this fresh day
Contributing to self and society
Breaking your own records
And creating history
At every day break!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Under the boundless sky
On this circular planet
I’m ensconced in a cosy nest
The warmth and harmony of this nest
Is responsible for my persona

The guardians of this nest
Introduced me to our rich culture
Elucidating on our heritage
Caparisoning me with
The right morals and ethics
Just to be called
A person of outstanding caliber

Oh home! Sweet home!
I offer obeisance
To your altruism and compassion
For I’m what I’m
Because of you!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Beauty Personified

With age blooms the beauty
Of a woman
For she bravely weathered the storms
Of hardships
To harmonise her career and family

You are an aura of elegance
Your inner beauty
Exudes the fragrance
Of wisdom, simplicity, courage and compassion
Without the help of external elements
Oh Woman!! Don’t regret your age
Instead burst with pride
For you blossom with age!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Gracious Elegance of Water

Swiftly yet acrobatically you move
Your body
Enhancing the beauty
Maintaining the serenity
Of your ambience
Sanguinely pressing yourself
With ripples of hope and courage
Against the perils of water

Elegantly yet charily you spread your fins
To perform a spectacular rhythmic dance
Unearthing the magnificence
Of lucid water
Your grace and vigour
Makes you
The impeccable dancing queen of water!

Dreams Unleashed

I oscillate in the cradle
Of my darling dreams
From my dreams
Wells up hope and courage
Hope to dare to believe in myself
Courage to vanquish obstinate murkiness
Clouding over my dreams

Oh Dreams!
How benign you are!
Time and again
Without fading from my thoughts
You play the music of
The realisation of my goals
Compelling me to be
Abstemious, determined and focused
To accomplish my vision
My dreams!