Thursday, December 27, 2007

Mysterious Moments

Ah!! Time flies
Just a year ago
It seemed
As if I was on an expedition
In search of my elusive life!!

The hunt that made me feel
As if I was on a scaffold
In search of safe arms
Letting my life to be painted
With the colors
Of love, compassion and harmony

How mystic!!
Those mysterious moments
Have forever decorated my life
With the most sublime fortune
The only jewel closest to my heart
For my gem is the best being of all!!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Life’s Short

Few more days to go
And I would be
A year older
I dived into the depth of my dreams
And tried to estimate its depth
The measure was like a tsunami
Which instead of drowning
Threw my body back to the shore
Just to make me realize
My dreams are vast
And life’s too short
To complain for the slightest!!

Ostensible Makeup

Ah!! Wondrous make up!!
Admire your dexterity
For you obliterate
The dark circles and pimples
Making a person
Gorgeously glitter like a diamond!!

Alas!! Pity your limitations
For you tart up
Only outwardly
Unable to heal the blemish within!!

Oh!! Make up
You couldn't fill
The penurious hollow
Bereft of righteousness and compassion
A self masqueraded outside
But shallow inside
A self ostensibly strong on the surface
But weak within the core
A self pompously confident
Of being independent
Yet dependent
On tears for attention and sympathy!!
A self haughty toward criticism
But avaricious of appreciation

Oh!! Poor make up
I pity your efforts
The outward strokes
Of your brush
Failed to touch up
On people’s heart begrudging life!!