Thursday, July 20, 2006

Life’s Question Marks

Life from birth to death
Is punctuated with question marks
As a new born, one wails over
The question of adjusting
To this insouciant environment
Yet brimming with hope
One advances in life

As a toddler
In this twenty first century
One longs for the
Company of parents
Alas! The toddler’s blithe life
Is interrupted by the question
Of spending time in crèche
Yet brimming with hope
One advances in life
To have a secured future!

As a teenager
One is diligent in studies
To be able to stand on ones feet
But the focus is accompanied
With the question of peer pressure
Yet brimming with hope
One advances in life
And accomplishes the goal

As a youth
One strikes a balance
Between personal and professional life
At this stage
One is clouded with the question of marriage
Yet brimming with hope
One advances in life
And ties the knot

At middle age
One struggles to raise the family
And is disrupted by the question
Of insecurity at old age
Yet brimming with hope
One advances in life

At old age
One thinks of the bitter
Truth of life—death
And dreads it
Yet brimming with hope
To be reborn as a human again
One embraces death.

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